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Found 27311 results for any of the keywords 90 languages. Time 0.007 seconds.
Download Firefox in English (US) and more than 90 other languagesEveryone deserves access to the internet — your language should never be a barrier. That’s why — with the help of dedicated volunteers around the world — we make Firefox available in more than 90 languages.
Greek language - WikipediaGreek roots have been widely used for centuries and continue to be widely used to coin new words in other languages; Greek and Latin are the predominant sources of international scientific vocabulary.
GTranslate, by GTRANSLATE INC - Joomla Extension DirectoryTranslate Joomla with GTranslate multi-language extension which uses Google Translate power to make your website multilingual. With 103 available languages your site will be available to more than 99% of internet users.
Download Firefox in English (US) and more than 90 other languagesEveryone deserves access to the internet — your language should never be a barrier. That’s why — with the help of dedicated volunteers around the world — we make Firefox available in more than 90 languages.
The media player, movie player, YouTube player, video player, AVCHD plThe best free media player in the world. BS.Player™ is used by more than 70 million computer users throughout the world and it has been translated into more than 90 languages. It can download and playback any YouTube vid
The media player, movie player, YouTube player, video player, AVCHD plThe best free media player in the world. BS.Player™ is used by more than 70 million computer users throughout the world and it has been translated into more than 90 languages. It can download and playback any YouTube vid
Voice Talent Online: Voice Over Agency QA LocalizationVoiceTalentOnline is a responsive, global voice over agency, managing hand-picked voice talent to deliver quality-assured localization, in over 90 languages.
Services - Voice Talent OnlineVoice Talent Online – in over 90 languages, we record and deliver translation, voice recording, and subtitling services from the UK, around the world.
Santa Monica, California - WikipediaThe first non-indigenous group to set foot in the area was the party of explorer Gaspar de Portolá, which camped near the present-day intersection of Barrington and Ohio Avenues on August 3, 1769.
About us World Languages CentreBacked up with highly proficient trained faculty and latest technical facilities, World Languages Centre provides comprehensive courses in various foreign languages like Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portugu
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